Reinhardt-Technik GmbH

LSR 2023: Current trends and future ideas the focus of discussions at the LSR conference

Die LSR 2023 Konferenz in Charlotte, USA, brachte Experten aus Europa und Nordamerika zusammen, um über technische Fortschritte und Nachhaltigkeit in der LSR-Verarbeitung zu diskutieren. Die Reinhardt-Technik GmbH trug mit der Teilnahme an einer Podiumsdiskussion zu Dosiersystemen dazu bei, dass auf der Konferenz zukunftsweisende Themen intensiv diskutiert wurden.The LSR 2023 conference in Charlotte, USA, brought together experts from Europe and North America to discuss technical advances and sustainability in LSR processing. Reinhardt-Technik GmbH contributed to the intensive discussion of forward-looking topics at the conference by participating in a panel discussion on metering systems.

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LSR Konferenz 2023, Charlotte

Kierspe, Charlotte | Last week, LSR 2023 took place in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. The two-day conference was attended by experts from Europe and North America to intensively discuss various aspects of LSR processing.

In addition to technical properties, current trends such as sustainability and innovative approaches to LSR processing were also discussed. These topics are of crucial importance as the industry strives to develop more environmentally friendly and resource-efficient processes.

Reinhardt-Technik GmbH also had the pleasure of helping to shape the program. This was because Christian Hose, Commercial Director, took part in the panel discussion on the topic of "Dosing Systems". Here, Mr. Hose was able to contribute his knowledge of pump technologies in relation to the processing of LSR materials to the stimulating and enlightening discussion. The panel discussion was of great importance to the industry, as the choice of the right pump technology has a decisive influence on the efficiency and quality of the dispensing system. Another focus of the discussion was the ongoing search for innovations in LSR processing. Participants shared ideas and experiences to improve product quality, increase production efficiency and optimize manufacturing costs.

All in all, the LSR Liquid Silicone Rubber Conference in Charlotte, NC, USA, was an important event for the LSR industry. It provided a platform for the exchange of knowledge and ideas between leading experts from different parts of the world.

Distributor training: Detailed insights and intensive dialogue in the field of dosing technology

Distributor training: Detailed insights and intensive dialogue in the field of dosing technology